Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I know I haven't been posting much over here, but that's because I've been posting on my other channel regularly (like twice a week, and since it's all videos over there it takes a lot more effort, so twice a week is an accomplishment), Check it out!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

An example of too much time on my hands

I have a new video bloggy thing up on my other blog. It's been like 6 months since I've video posted over there. Huh. I wonder what I've been doing for 6 months?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Bed of Nails

Uhhh... This is odd. It's a bed. With nails. Enough said.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rumble or Party?

I was walking around today when I saw a motorcycle vroom down the street (vroom is now a verb). I thought it was just a motorcyclist, but then more followed him, and more, and more. About 3 minutes worth of motorcyclists (if you actually stop and count three minutes out, you'll realize it's a long time). My friends and I clapped and shouted, and a few of the cyclists did some tricks (like rode on only their back wheels). I like to think they were doing it for us. After it all ended, there was a surge of pedestrians and cars and buses that had piled up around an intersection waiting for the motorcyclists to pass. A few cars didn't even bother to wait, though. Let me tell you, it's hilarious when among hard-core looking motorcyclists, you see one black little mini van driving intently.

Does anybody know what that was about? Was it a rumble? Hells Angels? I like to think it was a party. With pink balloons. And cake. Ahh, memories.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Mango is such a beautiful word. Random, but so true.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

habesne Latinam?

means: Got Latin?

My language teacher gave everyone in the class a pin that says that. Isn't that hilarious? Except for the fact that only people who know Latin can read it. Whatever.

Yum Yum (my egg) is.... well... dead. I dropped her the day I got her, but I couldn't handle that, so I boiled a new one and brought it into school. Then I left it at home one day, so it actually died twice. My punishment for killing my child? No pizza tomorrow. I've still been carrying her around in her container. Whenever anyone asks why I'm still carrying her I say,
"Oh, so as soon as a PROJECT is over, I ABANDON my child?! What kind of sick project is this?"

i think it's quite amusing.