Friday, June 12, 2009

What is happiness? Lola ( I'm sorry I'm on a school computer which can't seem to figure out how to make a link) commented on a recent post of mine on how to write a life list to say
"I have a list. But it isn't written. It isn't even thought about. Mostly, because, probably the only thing on that list if I were to write it out would be
To Live Happily. To Have A Happy Life.
Isn't that really what everyone is striving for in the end?"

Then Melli ( said
"i agree. whatever makes me happy is what i wanna do.... just not sure what that is yet."

That got me thinking. What exacly is happinnes? It isn't a perfect world, I know that. I remember I once saw a Twilight Zone where this man who stole things his entire life was shot and went into a perfect world. He kept asking the man who had explained everything about this perfect world to him why he was in heaven. He couldn't figure it out. Finally, after a few months, he asked if he could go o hell because he was getting bored. his "mentor" said "WHAT MAKES YOU SO SURE THIS ISN'T HELL!" Then cackled evily. The thought a perfect world could be a hell was very interesting. I agree with the idea, though. Too many perfect thngs and you get too used to them. If a train always comes in the first minute you wait for it, then when you see the little light of the train coming after waiting for 20 minutes you won't be so happy. Do you get what I'm saying? If you always get what you want and never have to work for it a little, than when you get it, it won't be as fun. I remember being SOOOOOO excited for my break (a school break) and when it came... I was just bored. Sure I got to sleep in, and watch movies, and have no homework... but I got bored after a few days. That is why weekends are perfect. You work hard for five days, than take two days off. It doesn't seem perfect at the time, it seems way too short, but two days really is the right amount of time to relax between working.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. what is happinnes? People say that you can't buy happinnes. They forgot about puppies. Sorry, I got that off a hallmark card. It just seemed to fit. Is love happinnes? Money? Respect? Hope? Cherries? I honestly don't know. What I do know is "To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness." -Bertrand Russell

Happinness to little kids is very different than happinnes to adults. A kids happinness is something like this ""Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although eating honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called." -A.A. Milne

Then again, aren't both adults and kids happy when the sun comes out and it is the first warm day all year? Everyone is happy on a day like that. Except for vampires.

Happinnes is universal, and yet individual. It is when you can just relax and let yourself smile instead of frown. It is when you accomplish something. It is when you realize you sound like a greeting card and stop typing.


What I'm trying to say here is that happines is something we all share. Yet sadness is also something we all share. Some things that makes one person happy makes another person sad, and vice versa. You can't really analze happinesss. You can't make a REAL happy hour, where everyone is happy. When you're happy, be happy. That's it. Seriously. That is really it.

1 comment:

Persephone said...

happiness is feeling good about yourself, feeling like something special happened or is happening or you did something amazing. it's your brain's way of rewarding you.