Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do u know what is really sad, there is all this gosspip about, and pictures floating around on the internet about-Obama eating a waffle. I'm not joking. i've checked out 3 blogs (2 r my friends, one is someone I don't even know) and they have pictures of Obama eating waffles. ARE WE REALLY AT THE STAGE WHERE WE GOSSIP ABOUT THE PRESIDENT ELECT EATING WAFFLES! Its not like he had his mouth open or something, just normally eating waffles at a restaurant with his family. Now do not get me wrong, I have great respect for Obama and what he stands for-which makes this so silly. This very smart man is now being gossiped about-for eating waffles. Here are some pics of it

I got this one from squirrelseatwaffles.blogspot.com

this is also a waffle Obama thing from the same site

i got this one from brassknucklesblog.com

I found this one on www.baltimorereporter.com/?p=5325

Now there are also a ton of stories circulating on the internet about it. About Obama eating waffles with his family at a restaurant. There may be more to the story, but it is mostly him, eating waffles. Ponder that.

1 comment:

Lizzela the Human Bean said...

I love this post! Its so funny and yet true, I mean its sad we have made such a fuss over it, but the way u phrased it was GREAT!