Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm not sure how long I will talk about the why do do people laugh certain laughs possibly a few most posts, and possibly I'll go onto a different subject and come back to it. It does fascinate me though! My main goal is to find a link between everything people find funny. The only thing that I can think of is, life! Life is funny, at times. However I think that I should try to find a different answer. I at least want to narrow down the basics of WHY people laugh, which will be hard because I'm about to add another three.

1. Sexual material. Some people find this very funny, I personally don't understand why. Possibly embarrassment.

2.  Repetitiveness. For example someone can say the same line at different random parts in a show and it is funny. Someone can continually have to walk out of a room so the person they were talking with could speak to someone else. These things are not always funny, but can be very funny if are planned and acted in a good way.

3.  Reenactments. A lot of the time people reenact different things that have happened and they put their own spin on it. These are also known as like spoofs. 

I am going to post one picture that I have found funny.
I got this from


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