Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Blog

I've been re-reading all my blogs, and it just occurred to me, this blog is kind of boring. Some of  you are probably like
"Duh, where have you been?"
Well, I've been enjoying it, but I do want to change it a little.  Sure it is nice to go off on random subjects, but I should have an underlining theme.  Like the really famous blogs have a theme, they go off on different subjects but they always talk about one thing, or a genre of things.  Here is some of the  most commonly talked about


I don't really want to commit to one of those things, but  do want to have something that this blog is associated with.  Other than horrible spelling (I really am sorry about that....) I want something a little away from the mainstream like...

History Mysteries
Cool sites
Bad but Funny Movies

The thing about those are those could fill up about 1 or 2 posts, not a whole blog.  How about we just go with it, and see what happens, I'll probably find an underlining theme in the end!  If you have any ideas or comments, PLEASE POST THEM!  SERIOUSLY!  I REALLY WANT TO HEAR THEM!  I'm new to blogging, but I enjoy it and I want to hear constructive criticism.  I'll try to make it interesting, but there is a point where I'm trying so hard its not fun! I try to blog once a day, but sometimes there is nothing to blog about!  So I blog about random things! I'm sorry! I'm learning here!

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