Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Photo shopping images. Airbrushing Photos. A few years ago those words wouldn't have made much sense. Now all we have to do is stroll past a newsstand and open it up to an add, to see a person who is so airbrushed and "faked up" that if you saw them on the street, you probably wouldn't recognize them. Airbrushing makes people feel like there is this whole separate race of gorgeous people who don't have to do anything to be wonderful. As America Ferrera said in her interview with Seventeen Magazine "I fear that when girls look at my picture in a magazine, they see something that is so unreal-and they think, Oh, America must have it so easy. And that's the biggest lie, because nobody has it that easy. They should know that I spend two and a half hours with professional people doing my hair, doing my makeup, picking out clothes, shooting with a professional photographer who has his professional lighting. The America you see on the red carpet or in magazines is as far away from the real me as the America on Ugly Betty. I spend just as much time getting into one costume as I do the other." Just as an example, here are airbrushed an unairbrushed photos!

Photo of Kim Kardashian taken from this site.

Photo of Keira Knightley taken from this site.

So, seriously people, I know it looks effortless, but it isn't. It isn't for ANYONE! So relax, take a breath, and remember, you're great the way you are now.

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