HI! So I would like to take a second to talk about the world. The world is an amazing place. the cycles are VERY delicate and precise, the only reason desies comes is if the animals or plants become over populated. It is a hundred times more advanced than the most advanced computer. Its taken millions of years to evolve, and we are destroying it. Now, I hope I didn't scare you there. I know it scared me the first time I came to terms with it. I'm not saying YOU and ONLY YOU have to fix the entire world. I'm saying if all the 8 billion people on the world lend a helping hand we could fix this. The problem is not everyone in the world can even take care of themselves, let alone the world. Thats is sad. I mean really sad. Remember YOU can't fix it all yourself. The world has problems, it always has, it always will, but you can help. As Gandi said
" Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it."
Don't take that quote to mean you can do BAD things, but picking up a piece of trash here and there, or giving a dollar to an animal shelter next time you pass them on the street. I know you have probably heard all these things to do before, but if you are not doing them, then you need to hear them again. I don't mean to be a nag, but little things can REALLY help!
I I hope so that opened ur eyes, but remember, its not all your fault, or yours to fix. To make you feel better, I have decided to put cool pictures in.
Remember, jsut do something littlw.
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