Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Stupd idots that read over my shoulder and INSULT MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH SHOULD DIE!

Hello my fellow humans,
I would just like you to know that I went to great lengths to get onto this computer, and it is the worlds slowest computer. HEAR THAT COMPUTER! HA! I'm sorry I'm actually in a mini (its like a class that meets once a week and isn't very serious, like we can only watch movi es, or we could have to make posters on Vensevuala, it depends on the teacher).  My teacher told us to create a class plan to TEACH THE CLASS! It was kinda cool. My group did ice cream, I had this cool ice cream ball that you have to roll aroud (after putting the ingrediants in) to make ice cream. It worked out rather well. So today my teacher was yelling at the entire class that they had deadlines, and they were all just joking around and not doing anything. He only took breaks to tell us (no joke) that all the groups should be more like ours and to compliment our project. So now my group has free time. Oh, and the period before this was SSR (Silent Sustained Reading, AKA 45 minutes of reading) but chorus had to meet so I sang durinf SSR instead. And the period before that was math, while some kids re-took the math test (I didn't need to becuase I got a 93!), so my teacher read us a good ghost story. And after school today me and my dad are going somewhere (I don't know where, its a surprise) and suposidly we are gonna get back at 10. Then 2morrow, I head off to New Hampshire, so I can celebrate gobble, Gobble day. Ah, good day! Now, I'm sre your eyes are glazing (as the anoying guy next to me pointed out, while he was reading over my shoulder) you don't really care about my problems, and no one else actually goes to this wbsite, and this is a waste of time. Oh, and do you know what I'm gonna do to this annoying guy. I'm gonna kill him. BRB. So this is the conversation k?
(I am despretly tring to ignore the watermellon and the St. (Melly, and Patrick). O.K now I shall tell you what 
OMG PATRICK U R NOT A SEX PISTOL! GODDAMMIT! MELLY IS NOT EITHER! BUTT OUT! NO SHE IS NOT! Im sorry, my school is for deramged people, and I am the only smart one. Now, enough about the random people telling me to tell you that they are sex pistols.
I'm sorry this is turning out to be a weird post and maybe I should delete it! But its kinda funy! AND NOW THEY ARE INSULLTING OHMAMHA NEBRASKA. ( I just spelled that wrong) you know, I have to go know. I'm sorry for wasting your time with random sentences about deranged, idiotic people!
bb! Have a nice Gobble, Gobble. Oh, and I can't blog 4 a few days SRY! 

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