Saturday, December 20, 2008

My pics

I know most all of the pictures I have posted have been from other sites. However I like to take photographs and my dad is not a bad photographer. These were either taken by me or my dad.

That first picture is of my dog. The second is of the pond that I sometimes go to and the third is a creation I made. I called it dead mans float because everything in it is dead, and floating.

1 comment:

Susanna-Cole King said...

Great pictures, and your dog is so cute! <3

Thanks for your comment, and to answer your question: Most my pictures come from somewhere online, although some are scanned and then put online. I do tons of searching for photos before I find ones I'll use. If you want to know the direct sources to the pictures I use just check the line, "Photo Credits:" at the end of all my posts and there will be links to all my photo sources! ;)
