Friday, December 19, 2008

December 18, 2008

To help me on my quest to find out what makes people laugh, I've tried some other people.

The dictionary says that laughter is the action or sound of laughing.
When I typed in laugh there was about 6 pages of what that meant. To basically sum it up the definition it means to express an emotion with a chuckle or an explosive vocal sound.
When I searched the web I got a yahoo question that was asking the same thing I was, the answer was (taking away the scientific reasons) that we laugh because we are thinking "Thank God that didn't happen to us."  Is that true. When we see a funny rhyme or a cute picture of a dog and laugh are we thinking
"Thank God that didn't happen to us!"?
Well are we? (To see the full question and answer go to

I asked someone what makes people laugh and they said

"Incongruos juxtaposition. That means unlikely things going together. That would be like Gorge Bush and Obama going for a drink together."

However, cute animals, and tripping are not unlikely things that go together. Sometimes when animals in zoos can't have babies they give (for example) a mama pig a baby tiger and the baby tiger bonds with other piglets its cute and funny and that IS unlikely things going together. But its not the whole answer. The search continues.

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