Friday, December 19, 2008

What makes People laugh? Posted December 17

What makes people laugh? Its a simple enough question but the answer is harder to find. I have decided to make a study of what and why people laugh!  I'm not talking about the process, but what it is that makes them laugh. I'll review some comedy movies, post things I find funny and and write a list of the basics of jokes. I'll probably revise the list and I'll probably reach conclusions that make no sense, but thats the process!

First, this is a list of the basic things that I think makes people laugh.

1. Other peoples misfortune. (This is a HUGE umbrella! It includes physical comedy (tripping, banging head on hanging bar, smacking people or yourself...). It also includes arguments, embarrassment...)

2. Odd things. (Did you ever laugh because something was just so weird? So untrue it was just, well, funny?  If so then you understand this one).

3. Double entendres. Its pretty self explanatory.  You can see a thing one way and its innocent, one more look and it soooooooooooooo funny. This also includes jokes like a bee saying
"Honey, I'm home!" Words that mean two things.

4.   Mean laughter. I'm not advocating it-I think its horrible, but sometimes people laugh AT other people, and not at their misfortune. Well, in a way, yes at their misfortune, but usually laughing at some ones misfortune in movies is comical. No one ever actually stays hurt when he/she gets banged on the head in cartoons!

5.  Things that are cute!

Now those are the basics (that I know of so far). Now I'm going to post some things I found funny!
This I got from
fail owned pwned pictures

This I got form

Robert Pattinson, Daniel Radcliffe

I got this form
funny pictures of cats with captions
 What makes those things so funny, inside jokes, cuteness, oddness?? I guess I'll will find out! 

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