Thursday, January 15, 2009


Death is a scary thought. It is portrayed in movies as the ultimate loss. You can be trapped, you can be hit, you can be crying, you can lose a game of backgammon, you lose in all those scenarios, both metaphorically and literally. But death is the ultimate, GAME OVER sign. Should it be? Do we really know what happens after death? Do we really know its not better than life? No, we don't. So don't think of your life as i am 12 years old, think of your life as I have run on the beach in a storm, i have laughed until I cried, I have drunken a amazing apple cider. Because in the end, on your death bed, does your age flash through your eyes? Or your life? Once, again, we don't really know, but which one would you want to be flashed? People always associate planes and cars as the places where you die, but no. Sitting here reading this, in your bathtub, reading a magazine, walking along a street, turning a corner, walking under a construction site, you can die. Most accidents happen in the home. That doesn't mean you should move, or stay outside, but it means you should always be aware, but not scared. There can be anything after life. But do you want to spend the time you know you have here wondering and worrying about when you die? Its not a yes or no question, it's yours to answer.

Bottom line, you can die in a minute, or when you are 110, but don't think of it as GAME OVER think of it as, lets play the game!

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