Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy day to come and witness my hanging

I want to apologize for not posting sooner, I just was not inspired. I'm sorry for anyone who has wanted me to post and has continually been visiting my site and not seeing any new posts (and I got a few of you).  

This is a poem, I wrote, of the top of my head 

On the windowsill
sits a girl
dressed in white
all white
the field in front of her is covered in snow
white, clean, untouched snow
it lies over the plants like a new blanket  back from the wash
cleaner than before
she gazes at it and a tear slides down her cheek
for it is that snow that will cost her family a whole crop
and there is nothing they can do about it
for as soon as they shovel it up, it comes down again
for as when the new sheet is put on, the old one gets taken off
and after all, can they really stop it from fulfiffling its destiny of falling?

Not my absolute best, but I like it.

The quote at the top was said by George W. Bush, at the dedication of his portrait, Austin, Texas, January 4, 2002. 

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