Thursday, January 15, 2009

"President Bush is on a tour of Asia. He's visiting Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia... once again he's skipping Vietnam."

Hello again, my darlings. I would love for you to listen to my ramblings about art. It is a three letter word and defined in the dictionary as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination... It goes on and on, with many other meanings and quotes, but that is what I want to talk about. Why don't we see a piece of ripped paper in an art gallery? Or do we? I myself have seen many paintings and laughed saying 
"THATS ART! I could paint that myself!"
What makes art art? Why is it alright to copy a picture and change some colors and call it your own (yea, you Any Warhol) and not simply grab a McDonalds box and throw it on a table and pronounce that it is art? Actually some pictures CAN and ARE a randomly thrown McDonalds box on a table. Go to the MOMA or the Whitney, you can see some pretty darn weird pieces of "art". I put quotations there because some people don't and won't consider them art. At which point does sit stop being a McDonalds box, and start selling for millions of dollars? Why is it that we consider photography art? All you do is click a button. Yet again, you do have to get everything in the right order, and make sure the lighting is alright. So if photos are art, then why are paintings art? Why is a drawing of something you are looking at art? You are only copying it, and arent we taught throughout our childhood NEVER to copy something and call it your own. Yet when we see a McDonalds box in a photo at the Met, it says the artist is the person who took the picture. Well, isn't he? Or is the box, or the guy who is just posing in it the art? Is it the back round? Or the colors, or the silhouette, the art? 
Ponder, on those ideas!
That title quote was said by David Letterman, November 2005

note: While the ideas have been thought about for years, I got the example (McDonalds box) and the ideas from my art teacher. (I can't say names but..... its a Mr.)

1 comment:

Lola Bellybutton said...

I think that what you just did is what you are asking us if it is art. you took someone else's words(Marshall's), and didn't even bother to change the example(mcdonald's)and I am dissapointed, since that is not art.