Saturday, January 24, 2009

You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.

One of the reasons I haven't posted in a few days is that it is SO HARD to find interesting and funny Obama quotes. In fact, I'm not sure if it is even possible to keep it up for that long. By IT I mean posting an Obama quote as the title. I think I can squeeze one more Obama quote before I am forced into just funny quotes.
Now, I LOVE political humor. I can spend hours upon hours on youtube searching variations of the words song, sarah, palin or Barack, McCain. So Today I give you, the fruits of my labor. I'm sure you have seen some of them, but not all.


Persephone said...

heres an obama quote:
"we've visited 53 states so far, i think we have 7 more to go."

Lizzela the Human Bean said...

thank you wizardress of dreams! Great quote! Did he really say that! WOW! COOL! What site did u get it on?