Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, once again I am on the worlds slowest computer. Actually, that is untrue. I am on a very slow computer, but not the slowest. It's one of those old bulky macs, and I supose I should feel gratefull that my school (that's is where I am) has computers available to me but as anonymous always say "It is hard to be greatfull to things you already have." Anyway, the reason I'm on a school computer and not taking a vocab test, which is what I thought I was going to be doing, is that my teacher on the spur of the moment decided not TO GIVE TO VOCABULARY AND GRAMMER TEST! Most people would be happy about that but I studied hard, and I'll have to study again He gave us free time instead, which isn't a bad thing, but I'm the kind of person who likes to present my project first, not sit around waiting and worrying, and I wish I could have just gotten the test over with, you know? I personally think the teacher just didn't write the test, but whatever. This post was not supposed to be me ranting aout how I was not able to take my test, but do you want to hear the ryhme I made up to remember my words?

The audacious skydiver
Was a prudent driver
For he knew if he was not
It would lead to imenent calamity and he would be caught
One day as me was conscientiously driving
And meracuously (since it was rush hour) surviving
A meticulous cop pulled him over
For not wearing a mop
The cop rebuked the skydiver
and confiscated the mans liscense
After the driverr apprehended was as happening
he became lackadaisical

I know it doesn't rhyme at the end, I got tired when I was writing it.


Lola Bellybutton said...

heehee.:-)that's funny.
but, by the way, its "miraculously",not meracuously.

Lizzela the Human Bean said...

I know, kinda stupid since miraculously is one of my VOCAD WORDS!

Lola Bellybutton said...

vocab, silly goose

Lizzela the Human Bean said...

I know, I know, the funny thing is, I think I did a good job on it!

Lizzela the Human Bean said...

it being the vocab test