Friday, April 24, 2009

Signs of Spring

As I was walking to my Fencing class on Friday, I pretended that I was in a place where I could not feel what the weather was, I could only observe the people around me. The point was to look closely at everything, and see if I could tell what the weather was like without actually feeling it. Here is my list of signs of spring.

1) The Icy man and woman have their cart on the street corner.
3) The dogs seem a little perkier.
4) There are more people doing on the street business. (Physic readings, icies, sunglasses...)
5) Teenage girls are wearing tiny shorts and tops. (Then again in out culture that doesn't mean much, but...)
6) The flowers just seem a little brighter and taller, as though they're reaching for the sun.

Is there one that I missed? Write it in the Comments!


Lola Bellybutton said...

it smells like summer. summer wafting from the air-conditioners, summer weaving through the frisbees in the park, summer smells here at last.

Melli said...

People wiping sweat from their foreheads, and fanning themselfes with their hands.

landport said...

People standing around talking for a while--not just huddled, then rushing on