Saturday, May 2, 2009


Do we really need clocks? I was having a discussion with my friend Lola yesterday
about if we need them or not not. I don't remember the exact conversation but it went something like this (everything in parenthesis is things I wished I had said but didn't at the time.)
Lola: Of course we need clocks! What if we have to time test!
Lizzy: But do we need tests? (I mean do we need, food, shelter, water, sleep, and tests?)
Lola: What if we have to time a patients heartbeat to save his or her life?
Lizzy Yeah, and look how over populated the world is now.
Lola: Lizzy! That's a terrible thing to say!
Lizzy: No it's not. There is a carefully constructed Eco system. (If we are going to breed by the millions, we have to let the other parts of the Eco system breed too to balance it out, rather than consuming it all in our greed.)
Lola: But look how much better of we are now. I mean we have health care, electricity...
Lizzy: With health care we get malpractice (and a messed up Eco system), with electricity we get fossil fuels and global warming...
At this point we had to go separate ways so we wouldn't be late for class.
Clocks are a way to organize our day. I understand this. I don't begrudge people looking at the sun and saying "Oh, it's about mid-day" Or seeing a flower that blooms only a certain time blooming and said "Oh, it's 5 O'clock." But we create things to do that we don't actually need to do to survive (web surfing, watching plays..) and them try to fit them all in. I once wrote a poem once that sums it all up. Here it is.


It tells what we say we need to know
But we don’t
We don’t need to know where the sun is
Or where the shadows are
We say we do
Because we’re just too lazy to look outside.


Note: I use clocks, there is my secret confession. I use clocks, I do. So really, this is pretty hyopcritical of me... Sorry.


Lola Bellybutton said...

HELLO! excuse me, but that is sooo not the way the convo went. I had better points, u kept repeating urs. You say that though clocks can save lives, it's better without them because we are overpopulated and we need to kill a few people off. Oh yeah, I'm sure you'd feel that way if it was, say, you on the line, or your family and friends. Would you really just say "ley Lola die, we're overpopulated" instead of getting the hospital to measure my heartbeat to see how much and what kind of medicine i need to live? Or to be able to say "the cough started 2 days ago"? so they can tell how serious it is????? that is just one point, but i will drop it, as it seems not to be getting to ur head.

Mountain Spirit said...

i agree w. the whole let the people doomed to die die thing. i also think we should have one friendly war where we kill off the excess population while monitoring the new generation, until we are no longer overpopulated. sry lola. ive always thought this way. but i would never send u out 2 war 2 b killed. there are plenty of 19 year old boys who willingly go out and do that.

Melli said... lets send the stupid 19 year old boys out to be killed. I agree that were overpopulated, but we should have done something before this became a problem. I dont think its fair to just sent some patriotic idiots to war to be killed while we sit at home, happily watching the population go down. i mean, how can we say some peoples relatives can go be shot, while mine cant. the concept of killing some people of so we can be more confortable, just seems a bit unfair to me. i think we should just all wait for something to destroy us all. it might be global warming, it might be some world wide diaster. whatever it is, itll effact us all and kill the world. its the natural cycles of the universe. starting and finnindshing. were bound to have to be finnished at some point. let the world do it for us.