Monday, May 4, 2009


OK, some time ago a guy left books and movies and toys out on the street for people to take. I took a book called Love Is Like a Crayon because It Comes in All Colours By: David Heller. Basically he asked a ton of little kids about love and got HILARIOUS answers. Here are some of my favorite!

"Love will find you, even if you are trying to hide from it. I have been trying to hide from it since I was five, but the girls keep finding me."
-Dave, age 8.

How was Kissing Invented?

"It might have started with the movie Gone With the Wind.
-Pam, age 7

"Kissing was invented by a fool, if you ask me, but he sure has a lot of followers."
-Dennis, age 9

The Real Story About Romeo and Juliet

"I heard he had a another lover, but then it got covered up and you don't hear much about it."
-Sandra, age 7

""I think Juliet is my cousin, but I'm not sure."
-Bill, age 6

"At the end, they got married but they didn't live happily ever after... Juliet called Romeo sloppy for eating with his hands."
-Arnold, age 10

"You can never have too much love. We should keep making it as fast as we can."
-Jimmy, age 7



Lola Bellybutton said...

oh they are so funni... can I borrow the book sometime? the guy who gave it to u, is he the same one who gave the wizardress her glow-in-the-dark buddha?

Lizzela The Human Bean said...

Yes, and yes.

Lizzela The Human Bean said...

well, actually I know he gave her a Buddha, I don't know if its glow in the dark