Saturday, May 9, 2009


I have found some wonderful sites. They are sites that if you click a button you can donate money, save the rain forest, help animals, all without spending a cent yourself.. Not convinced? Sounds too good to be true? Check out this snopes link, it's totally real. While that link only proves that you can donate money to feed animals, if you search their sister sites on snopes, you'll find out that they are all all too. Here are the links. Seriously bookmark them, it takes about a minute to click all the buttons, but it is totally worth it!

This site donates food and care to animals in need.

This site gives free food.

This site gives free mammograms to women who need them.

This site gives free child health care to kids who need it.

This site gives books to kids.

This site protects the rain forest.

Not: all of the above sites, do make a profit themselves, but they actually do donate a lot of money. BUT YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY CLICK THE BUTTON. The sponsors want to make sure you actually went to the site, and saw their ad. You can only click once a day, though. I mean,, you CAN click more, but they won't count it.

Of course who can forget free rice, where every word definition you correcly pick, you donate 10 grains of rice

Want more? Go to this site.


Melli said...

urm...lizzy their all the same site...its just different parts of one site

Lizzela The Human Bean said...

I know, but it took me a few weeks to find the other parts of the site, so I figured I should make it easy for you!