Sunday, May 17, 2009

A while ago I made this post with the promise the next parts of the story would come soon. I lied. I'm sorry. However, now I have the next two parts. Here you go!
Note: All these characters are CHARACTERS. I am not like any of them.


Rosemary knew it was a bad idea. It wasn’t like Rosemary thought to herself oh, the best way to haul my insane sister’s stuff from her apartment at 85th street to my apartment at 99th street is to put six bags precariously on my arm, hold her glass fortune telling ball in one hand, and lug her 20 pound suitcase in the other. Rosemary didn’t even want her sister moving in with her! It wasn’t that Rosemary didn’t love her sister, because she did She really did. It was just that Rosemary had lived with her sister for 17 years before her sister went off to college, and that was more than enough time for her. You might be wondering right now, why Rosemary didn’t hire a moving company, or rent a car, or have her sister help, or get a friend to drive the stuff to her house? Well, trust me, Rosemary had tried every available option she had before actually lugging the bags and trunks to her apartment. First of all, her sister had a phobia of moving companies. She had seen some sitcom where the moving company stole all the character’s stuff and ran away with it. No matter how many times Rosemary tried to explain to her sister that that was a sitcom and that it wasn’t real, and that she would be in the moving truck with the men the whole time, it did no good. She wouldn’t budge. Secondly, Rosemary had lived in the city her whole life and had never needed a driver’s license, nor had her sister, so a rental car was out of the picture. Thirdly, Rosemary’s sister said that Rosemary was in her prime, and would be more than capable to take all her stuff. As if 34 was an old lady Rosemary had thought. She didn’t argue, though, she was always kind of a push over with her sister. Fourthly, most of her friends didn’t have cars either, but the few that did were all out of town because of the three-day weekend. That’s where I should be Rosemary thought on the beach sipping a martini, or a mango juice, not hauling my sisters stuff to my apartment. Even sisters aren’t supposed to randomly announce that they can’t pay their rent and that they want to move in with you. Especially sisters who insist on getting up every morning a 2 AM to howl at the moon, burn incense, and do a pow wow to welcome the sun. No, those kinds of sisters are supposed to stay in their 85th street apartments, where the only people they can bother is neighbors trying to sleep in. Her sister called herself “artistic” but Rosemary wasn’t buying it. She had meant plenty of artistic people in her lifetime that did not see anything wrong with sleeping until 10 AM on weekends.

Rosemary took a deep breath and glanced up at the street sign to see how many more blocks of hell she had to endure. 97th street! Only two more blocks! She started to hum “I’m yours” and looked around at the stores. She passed Crazy Lane’s Dining Diner. In one of the windows she saw one couple talking and looking deeply into each other’s eyes. In the other, she saw a man and a woman who looked very tense, like an argument could break out very soon. She passed what used to be a hardware store and saw that it had closed. She passed a nail salon that seemed to be empty. She passed a grocery store, a plant store, a vintage clothing shop, a vitamin store, a shoe store, a bookstore… She continued humming and watched a vendor giving a hot dog to a little boy. She hoisted one bag a little higher up onto her shoulder. She paused as she neared the stoplight, and then, after the light changed, peered out to see if any cars were coming. None were. Rosemary then walked briskly across the street and turned right. Thankfully her apartment building was only two buildings in. She walked a little faster, and hummed a little louder.

In a few seconds she reached the door. She stood there for a moment realizing her key was in her bag, right inside of the building. Rosemary could see it right where she had left it and had forgotten to pick up. It was on a trunk filled with incense and socks. It was so close, yet unless she broke the glass, she couldn’t get to it. Rosemary groaned realizing she would be stuck out here for however long it took for someone else in the building to come by. She pulled the trunk over to the wall, and let it go. She then carefully put the fortune telling ball in her newly freed hand, and slid the six bags off her arm and on to the ground. Then she slid down the wall, and waited. It didn’t take too long. A guy named Andrew who lived on nine came a few moments later. Rosemary almost resented him for coming so soon, because it felt so nice to be able to sit down in the shade. She stood up and said,
”Oh, hi, Andrew, my bag and keys are right inside the door, could you please let me in?” Andrew looked at the six bags, and trunk outside, and then his eyes moved to the lobby, which was crammed with more bags and boxes.
‘Sure,” he said. He had his key ready in his hand, and slid it into the keyhole. He turned it and it clicked easily. Rosemary stepped forward and pushed it open.
“Thanks,” she said,
“No problem” he said “hey, do you need any help with those bags.”
“Yeah, thanks” Rosemary said. “Here, can you take these three bags, and I’ll take he other three the trunk, and the glass ball.”
“OK,” Andrew said and bent down to pick up three of the bags. Rosemary slid the other three onto her arm, picked up the fortune telling ball from where she had put it on top of some clothes in a bag, and grabbed the trunk. She walked inside behind Andrew and smiled at the cool air that met her. Andrew put the three bags down and Rosemary put her three down, let go of the trunk, and put the fortune telling ball back on the pile of clothes in the bag.
“Thanks” she said, slightly out of breath.
‘No problem” he said. They looked at each other for a minute and Rosemary thought about how he was kind of cute, and sweet.
“Hey” she said on a whim “Do you want to go to Crazy Lane’s Dining Diner tonight? As a date, I mean.” She added the last sentence on very quickly.
“Sure” he said, and smiled. It was a nice smile Rosemary thought.

And that is where Rosemary and Andrew were when the world ended.


Oh, my God he is so gorgeous thought Lana, Look at that cute little bit of hair hanging down his forehead. Look at it! Have you ever seen anything so adorable? I seriously want to go over there and push it out of his eyes, but I can’t. But ohhhhh, I wish I could. All his friends would be surprised by my forwardness, but he wouldn’t. He would look me deep in the eyes and say “Oh, Lana, I have been wanting you to do that for-oh I don’t know-years.” I would smile a bedazzling smile and he would look me deep in the eyes and say “Lana, please would you come with me to The Four Seasons Friday night? If you say no, I will die.” I will of course say yes and we will walk off together. After our first (and perfect) date we will date again for 3 more years, then when we are 18 he will propose! I will (of course) say yes, I have loved him forever. Our wedding will be a small one, on the beach, in the summer. Under a little gazebo, with the cool wind breeze, and after we are married with our closest friends and family there, our kiss will be the most passionate ever. Then we will go on to the motorboat he has rented and go to the secluded, romantic island, that we have received as a wedding present, just like in Twilight and we will have the most beautiful night. We’ll cuddle and watch Clueless and laugh at Cher! We’ll spend our days on the beach, laughing, talking, walking... Ah, we’ll go back 2 weeks later and soon we’ll be living in… New York, with our two children, and I will be a businesswoman, and he will be a stay at home dad. Oh, and our kids will grow up, and one HAS to go to Sarah Lawrence. Oh and the other… Brown? Yes, Brown! Oh if he’d only ask me out! Or even look at me. Wait who is that hottie? New exchange student! Oh, forget Lance, I WANT HIM! And I know just how’ll we’ll meet. You see….

And that was where Lana was when the world ended.

1 comment:

Lola Bellybutton said...

wow this story is amazingly written, i can't wait to find out what happens next! This sounds like an amazing story, but it does need a little bit of editing....
thumbs up on the great work!