Friday, June 5, 2009

I know I haven't posted in a few days. I was on trip with my school to Boston (more on that later) but more importantly I wanted to give you some time to digest my last post, since it was VERY long. Now, some of you are probably a little scared after reading a few of my ‘When The World Ends” stories. Don’t be. Yes, I admit it is a little scary to think that you will die. It’s very scary the first time you come to terms to it. Now, I’m not saying that you’ll come to terms with it right now, oh no, I heard it about 15 times before it really sunk it. You are going to die. Wether it’s now or next week or in 90 years, sooner or you will die. Now, every time you think about it and get that suffocating feeling, look at your list. I know you’re probably going “what list? I don’t have a list? What are you talking about?” I’m taking about you “WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE LIST.” You can call it whatever you want. THINGS TO DO BEFORE I DIE. TO DO LIST... Now, you can write anything you want on that list, but here are my 4 pieces advice to have in mind while you are writing it.

1. Don’t write “Never __________” or “Always ___________” because sometimes accidents happen and if you are saying, never cry, sometimes you do cry and every time you look at your list you’ll feel even more suffocated because you can never complete it. This is supposed to be a list of thing TO do before you die not things NOT to do before you die. Same thig for always. If you don't do something once...

2. Don’t write things down because you think it would be cool to say you did them, write things down you actually want to do. For example, in one of my early drafts of my list I wrote "Climb up mount Everest". I don’t ACTUALLY want to do it, I just want to say ‘Oh, yea, I climbed up mount Everest.” No, this is supposed to be a list of the dearest things that YOU want to do.

3. Don’t write anything you can’t do. Make it all do able and specific. For example. Don’t write “SAVE THE WORLD” because no one person can actually save the world, it’s impossible. Instead write something like “Increase the ________ whale population by 1 hundred whales” or “get congress to sign a act that states no Americans can or can do business with anyone else that cuts down more that ______ square miles of forest per year." Or "no American can or can do business with anyone one who does not plant ________ square miles of trees for very ___ square miles she or he cuts.”

4. Don’t write anything that can hurt you or some else because your guilt will follow you your entire life and then every time you look at the list, it will be a stab in your gut, and if you are caught you won’t be able to finish completing things on your bucket list.

5. Don’t write things because you think somebody else would think it was a good idea. This is YOUR list.

6. Nothing is a silly thing to want to do. Putting down “Lying in the grass” is a perfectly good thing to write!

Have fun making yours. And everytime you feel that suffocation look at the list, it’ll help, trust me!


Lola Bellybutton said...

I have a list. But it isn't written. It isn't even thought about. Mostly, because, probably the only thing on that list if I were to write it out would be
To Live Happily. To Have A Happy Life.
Isn't that really what everyone is striving for in the end?

Melli said...

i agree. whatever makes me happy is what i wanna do.... just not sure what that is yet.