Sunday, August 30, 2009

As The Summer Comes To An End I Will Post Again, My Friend

Salutations. I apologize for the complete absence of blog posts for weeks on end. I was fully immersed in getting every drip of fun out of my summer vacation. Some of the fun things I did include learning to water ski, driving a speed boat, and (well, maybe this is not so fun, but it's a good story) getting stung by a jellyfish. School is about to start, though, and I know I need to write at least one post in before I'm bombarded with homework. To make up for not posting I am including some AMAZING blogs and sites, and some of the weirdest book titles. Enjoy! Ciao!

This one hasn't been updated in a while, but it is still awesome.

This is too cool for words. In short. Fairy doors.

An Improve group who-well, lets let them describe themselves, shall we? "We Cause Scenes." Thank you.

This is an actual site-store that sells completely amazing gifts. My fave would have to be the prison ball. As the site itself so well explains. "It’s the ideal gadget for students who have trouble concentrating. This prison-style ball and chain with built-in timer will help you study." It's an actual prison ball you attach to your leg to keep you from getting up and doing things while for study. You program the time you want to spend studying into it, and it won't open until you reach that time. Of course, for safety you can't program it for more than two hours, and there is an emergency key. Isn't that insane?

The website of the satire newspaper The Onion.

A more "artsy" site. Describes itself as "Urban Street Art, Abandoned Places and Amazing Designs."

This site has funny videos, insane (but real) articles, wonderful site links... It's great. ("Crainium" is spelled wrong on purpose

The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster's web site.

This is just basically just funny, and cool tid bits from the Internet combined into a blog.

Ditto. Except it isn't on

Thank you to "Ananka's Diary" for supplying most of these sites (the others I found mostly on my own). Seriously, go to and click on "Ananka's diary" it is amazing.

As for Amazing and Zany book titles... (The link will either be to a place you can buy the book, or a site page dedicated to it.)

Better Never To Have Been-The Harm Of Coming Into Existence By: David Benatar

Coyotes I Have Known By: John Duncklee

Fancy Coffins-To Make Yourself By: Dale L. Power

Highlights In The History Of Concrete By: Christopher C. Stanley

Knitting With Dog Hair By: Kendall Crolius and Anne Montgomery (Wait it get's better. The catch phrase is " Better a sweater from a dog you know and love than a sheep you'll never meet)

Tattooed Mountain Women and Spoon Boxes of Daghestan By: Robert Chenciner, Gabib Ismailov & Magomedkhan Magomedkhanov

Tea Bag Folding By: Tiny Van Der Plas and Janet Wilson.

Thank you so much to
for giving me this wonderful strange book titles.

I don't know what bothers me more. That someone wrote them, or that someone actually thought it would do well and published it.


1 comment:

Lola Bellybutton said...

ya the fairy door one is crazy! my friends from ann arbor are always talkign about how many fairies there r there.