Sunday, June 21, 2009

Going To Boston. (OK, been to Boston.)

I think I mentioned in a previous post that my school went to Boston. Now I am going to do something that is very Mountain Spirit-esc, I am going to write down some of the more interesting things I head and recorded on the bus to, from, and around Boston. Some were said by teachers, some kids, some by even me!

"What color is my tongue?"

"No, we're going to pray to the blank screen."

"No, its Toxic Waste ! Why are we passing it through the seats?"

"Yeah, I'm eating toxic waste."

"Just say maybe."


"Laugh more quietly. That sound is unpleasant and loud."

"You should hear what I really think."

"Children, if you see anything inappropriate, cover your eyes."

"Stop saying that, I'm sitting down."

"They're so disgusting? Where would the world be without greyhounds?"

Person A: "Who are you waving at?"
Person B: "Some lady, she was staring at me"
(Note: Little did person B know, the bus had tinted windows.)

"Did I ever show you the deformed left one?"

"You're going to have fun with this aren't you?"

"You guys are bad."

"Oh, yeah."

"No, I learned my lesson. My I-pod cost $300 to fix."

"Sleeping like a little baby back there."

"OWW..Who threw that at me-oh, was that you... don't throw a penny at me-or was that a nickkel?"


"Can I use your I-pod?"

"Just like yo face."

"Look at my tounge-BLAAAA."

As you can see, it was an.... interesting ride.

1 comment:

Melli said...

Im gonna guess the "laugh more queitly" was veve and "children, if you see anything inappropriate" was holst