Thursday, June 18, 2009

I am very happy because I have created my first joke. All by myself. First of all, I want to state that I am a natural born blond. Yep, my hair is yellow.
Anyway, here is the joke.

One woman is walking down the street. She looks down and says
"Oh look! A penny!" She reached down to pick it up but stops herself and thinks. You know, I'm pretty well off right now. Why not just leave this penny for someone else to find? Make their day? So she leaves it.

A second woman is walking down the same street a few minutes later and sees the same thing as the first woman.
"Oh look! A penny!" She says. She also bends down to pick it up but thinks to herself You know, I'm pretty well off right now. Why not just leave this penny for someone else to find? Make their day? So she leaves it.

A third woman is walking down the same street a few moments later and says
"Oh look! A nickel!"

Guess which one is the blond?


Persephone said...

i don't get it.

Mountain Spirit said...

i do! the third one is the blonde cuz shes so stupid tht she duznt know tht the nickel that she saw was really a penny, as the other women saw. :D