Monday, June 7, 2010


I'M BACK! Where was I? Um.... no excuse. Moving on.

Do you know what I don't understand? When I'm in a situation like this:
Me: The answer for number 5 is Switzerland, right?
Some random person: uh... (checks) yeah.
Me: YES! (jumps up and down in pure joy)
Other random person: what, do you want a cookie or something?

Um.. YES, I WANT A COOKIE OR SOMETHING! What kind of question is that? I got the right answer to a hard question, I'm happy, and you're being mean, but you aren't even being mean correctly, because why would I not want a cookie for my hard work? (That sentence wasn't grammatical!) Unless the cookie is one of those packaged kinds, where there isn't any moisture. I hate those.

That was a really negative post. I promise you, I'm usually not that negative!

Anyway, exciting news. Tomorrow, as part of my school "Family Living" program, I will be getting an Egg Baby! I'll have to keep it for a week (and not break it). If I can do it, I get to have pizza! If i can't, no pizza for me. I'll be documenting the progress of my egg throughout the week! Let me outline the basic rules of the assignment, in case it wasn't clear.

-Bring you egg baby into school everyday.
-It'll be boiled (so it won't go bad), but the shell will still crack if it is dropped, so DON'T DROP IT!
-You can't break an egg and try to switch it with another one from home. We mark your initials on the back of you egg, so we'll know a real one from a fake one.
-The most responsible person in the grade will be getting twins (two eggs)!
-Make sure to bring in a "cradle" for your egg baby. Something that you can put it in to carry it around.

I'm pretty proud of my cradle, I'll try to upload some pictures of it later. Until then, toodles!

1 comment:

Lola Bellybutton said...

yay! ur back. missed ya ;)
tell them the name of ur egg baby.